Travel to Sardinia

Day 1 Nuraghe Palmavera (10 km)

(in 10 km) Palmavera Nuragic complex is an archaeological site located on the outskirts of the city of Alghero. Nuraghe is classified as "complex", because consists of several interconnected towers.

Highlights of the first phase (XV-XIV centuries BC) the main tower retaining the central chamber covered with limestone. The tower is archaic type, with no side inlet passages and alcoves just sketched on the walls of the main chamber. It had to be present also some huts outside the nuraghe.



In the second phase (first half of the ninth century BC), was added a second tower and sandstone blocks. The two towers are communicated through a courtyard and a corridor with niches. Also was made the hut for meetings, equipped with a stone seat which runs along the perimeter. In the center of The hut, on a circular altar, is a model of a Nuraghic sandstone tower (the original is in the National Archaeological Museum).

In its third phase (IX-VIII centuries BC) was remade again the nuraghe with limestone blocks and was built around the nuraghe an exterior wall with four towers, houses. In one of the courtyards was inserted the hut for meetings and on the outdoor courtyard are the entrance of underground silos.